3ds MAX - Sculpt Tool
Sculpt Tool for 3dsmax 2023 and up. The tool is the best for small edits / tasks for organic meshes, morph targets (blendshapes) and much more. This is a good choice if you want to stay more in 3dsmax without the need to export/import to other sculpt application or if you just want to experiment sculpting and go wild with your imagination.
The type of license is Node-Locked License, that means a license key is for use on a computer, and is tied to that computer Physical (MAC) Address.
The tool doesn't have a trial version and it is a node locked license. After purchasing please read the FAQ and README pdf files to understand how to get the license key!
- You can do sculpt edits in Editable Poly and Edit Poly.
- You can use a pen tablet or a mouse to sculpt. The choose is yours.
- You can brush object face selection.
- You can revert your sculpt modifications by pressing Ctrl while brushing the object surface. Undo may freeze your app. Use undo with caution!
- Boolean operations available while using the Remesh button (Union, Subtract, Intersection).
- Using Smoothing Groups and / or Materials ID to define a good topology while Remeshing.
- my Slice Tool is now integrated in the sculpt tool main UI.
- Material IDs can be used later on zbrush as Poly Groups (Import as FBX).
- Anytime you can select the perfect combination of brush settings for your needs.
- And many more...
30-day money back guarantee
5.21 MB
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